In Deutschland, der Schweiz, in Holland, Polen, USA, Kroatien, England und natürlich auch in Spanien finden die wichtigsten Salsakongresse statt. Städte wie Berlin, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Zürich, Amsterdam, Stockholm, Benidorm und viele mehr haben sich darin in Jahrzehnten einen guten Namen gemacht. Einen solchen Kongress kann man sich wie eine Workshopveranstaltung, mit vielen parallelen Workshops, internationalen Lehrern und oft mehr als tausend Teilnehmern vorstellen.
In den letzten Jahren nannten sich auch viele Kongresse "Bootcamp" oder auch "Festival". Aber der Name tut nichts zur Sache. Es ist immer ein sehr intensives Wochenende mit vielen Workshops, oft mit internationalen Stars. Das ist immer auch etwas anstrengend und kostet auch etwas Geld, aber es lohnt sich immer sehr. Man ist viele Stunden mit gleichgesinnten zusammen, lernt sehr viel und bekommt viele neue Impulse.
Am Ende der Workshops erlauben die meisten Lehrer das Filmen der vorher erlernten Figuren.
Auf solchen Kongressen gibt es (meistens von Freitag bis Sonntag) an den Nachmittagen viele Workshops von den international bekanntesten und besten Lehrern (oft auf mehreren Schienen paralell) und dann Abends unglaubliche Aufführungen von Weltklasse-Tänzern und im Anschluss die wohl besten Salsapartys bis zum frühen Morgen.
Die Workshops umfassen dabei oft die komplette Bandbreite des Latin-Tanzes. Salsa auf 1, Salsa auf 2, Salsa Cubana, Pachanga, Rueda De Casino, Cha Cha, Salsa Hip-Hop, Bachata domenicana, Bachata sensual, Spinning-Kursen und vielem mehr.
Die meisten Veranstalter haben Frühbuchertarife, welche deutlich preiswerter sind als die Tageskarten (oft mehr als 50%!). Frühes Buchen lohnt sich also.
Yamulee in Frankfurt 2010
Wer an den Workshops nicht teilnehmen möchte, kann selbstverständlich auch nur Abends zu den Partys gehen. Die Eintritte liegen dann in der Regel zwischen 20-30 Euro!
Melissa Fernandez nach einem Workshop in Frankfurt
Man sollte sich im klaren sein, dass zu den Kongresskosten noch Anreise- und in der Regel Hotelkosten kommen - alles in allem also kein preiswertes Vergnügen. Aber es lohnt sich definitiv, auch wenn man am Montag drauf in der Regel total KO ist ;-)
Die beste Vorführung, die ich 2012 gesehen habe, ist von Dominican Power & Tropical Gem beim Salsakongress in Malaga gewesen. Sie haben am Ende der regulären Aufführungen in einer weiteren Show "Twilight" präsentiert!
Etwas vergleichbares muss man lange suchen. Sehr viele hochausgebildete und begabte Tänzer in einer Explosion der Kraft, Energie und des Könnens.
Ich habe sowohl mit Fernando Sosa von Tropical Jam als auch mit Chiquito von Dominican Power geredet und beide haben ihre Zustimmung zur Veröffentlichung gegeben. Beide sind übrigens echt freundlich und easy going - Profis halt! :-)
Sie freuen sich schon auf die nächsten Workshops in Deutschland!
For the second time we gathered in the Holidayworld-complex for another congress. Thanks to the organisation, everything was more than perfect. I never thought that they could do it better than the year before, but they managed to surprise us! This was maybe the best congress I have ever been to! So many artists, lots of classes & shows and to dancefloors at night!
I would like to thank everybody involved to make this congress so special and so rich on emotions, knowledge and incredibile fun dancing!
One more thing: A big thank you to all the Artists allowing me to upload to Youtube! I asked everybody after the workshops and everybody (except one) gave me the kind permission to publish! I am very grateful for this, since it helps to spread Salsa and to share moves and ideas.
So, please support the artists, visit their websites and their schools!
Bersy Style (with Bersaidy Cortez & Natalia Rodriguez):
Fadi Fusion / Rumbamedans:
Thanks to the kindness of Fadi, I could publish his new performance! It was really good!
Carlos & Natalia - Showprogramm:
Carlos Camacho and the most beautiful Natalia Rodriguez dancing at night!
Here some Workshop-Videos from Malaga Salsacongress 2012. This was Malagas second Congress and the last in October. It startet again in 2014 with a new name "life". I liked the first two congresses very much, organised by Mari and Julio Volcan.
I filmed a lot, because of the high level of the audience the workshops were mostly also at a really high level.
have fun with the videos:
What is there more to add? They are soooo good, simply the best. And of course good friends of the people from Malaga!
They have been Salsa-Worldchampions more than once and get never out of new creative ideas for new turns and movements!
Think about, how hard it is, just to find one new turn in Salsa, yet they surprise us year by year!
Defenitly highly advanced Salsa with really creativ technics. If you like modern Salsa, you will appreciate their modern, fusionstyle approach!
Like last year, also this time it was a brilliant Workshop with lots of fun and very danceable Salsa.
I find their fresh style surprinsingly attractive to view and enjoy very much the quick acess they give even to complex turnpatterns!
I came just to his class, because I was asked by a friend... and If I hadn't I would have missed a lot!
This guy is not only the crazyiest teacher I ever have know, he is also a very rich resource of good and sensual Bachatamovements.
Under his really funny surface and really good jokes you will discover a creative and well prepared teacher!
What need I to say? We love the really nice and sympathic guys from italy :-)
Ragazzi, siete grande - viva Italia!
Corporal expression, hypnotic rhythems - simply Orishas and its best!
Early in the morning, a very well prepared team with a really good workshop. Look at them, they are amazing!
They even forgot the time... Nobody from the hundreds of people in the room recognized that they were performing and teaching 90 Minutes :-)
One of the best clases this year!!
Footwork and good bodywork! The class was real fun!
Fadi, the best international export from Malaga! Apart from being a generous and very nice guy, he is well known on congresses all over the world, he is also worldchampion in Pasos libres in 2012.
Check out his precise footwork and the musical precision he is showing and teaching. His classes in Malaga and all over the world are always very rich and show big diversity.
The first Salsa congress in Malaga was a stunning success! Based in the huge Hotel Polynesia of the Holidayworld-Complex in Benalmadena, we had lots of workshopclasses with some of the best teachers one could imagine!
Here you find some of the best workshopvideos. Have fun!
Made in Malaga:
One of the nicest performances by the people of Malaga!
Rumba-Latina 2011, Malaga Salsa Congress - Tropical Jam WS Salsa 1
Adrian called them in 2012 the best Salsaperformers at the moment. While I still find it difficult to meassure this, I still can say, taht this was a really cool workshop and they showed as a hell of performance an night!
Rumba-Latina 2011, Malaga Salsa Congress - Bersy/ Bersaidy Cortez & Fadi Hamdan 1 - Fusion Style- Erklärungen (Bersystyle & Fadi Fusion)
Two of the best dancers untied in one class. Salsa at it's best!
Rumba-Latina 2011, Malaga Salsa Congress - Adrian & Anita - Show WS
Rumba-Latina 2011, Malaga Salsa Congress - Adrian & Anita WS/ Taller
There is not very much new, I can tell you about them. They are simply the best :-)
Best moves, creatve leading, highly advanced Salsatechnics and of couse lots of fun during the classes.
Whenever you have the chance participating in their classes, do so. Their schol is in Barcelona!
Rumba-Latina 2011, Malaga Salsa Congress - Maikel Fonts - Orishas
Impressing Maikel never tires to teach the cuban art of dancing. Dancing Orishas with him is always one of the highlights of the congress.
The hypnotizing beat and the spiritual character of the Orishas kept everybody stuned!
Rumba-Latina 2011, Malaga Salsa Congress - c - Workshop Salsa on 1
From Malaga and Madrid, my personal favorite 2011. Salsa like it should be!