Bersy Cortez on Stage with TromborangaFor the second time we gathered in the Holidayworld-complex for another congress. Thanks to the organisation, everything was more than perfect.  I never thought that they could do it better than the year before, but they managed to surprise us! This was maybe the best congress I have ever been to! So many artists, lots of classes & shows and to dancefloors at night!

I would like to thank everybody involved to make this congress so special and so rich on emotions, knowledge and incredibile fun dancing!

One more thing: A big thank you to all the Artists allowing me to upload to Youtube! I asked everybody after the workshops and  everybody (except one) gave me the kind permission to publish! I am very grateful for this, since it helps to spread Salsa and to share moves and ideas.
So, please support the artists, visit their websites and their schools! 

Artists at Rumba-Latina

Bersy Style (with Bersaidy Cortez & Natalia Rodriguez):

Fadi Fusion / Rumbamedans:

Thanks to the kindness of Fadi, I could publish his new performance! It was really good!

Carlos & Natalia - Showprogramm:


Carlos Camacho and the most beautiful Natalia Rodriguez dancing at night!


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